Business assessment through interviews and audits to understand current operations and to benchmark current performance.
Evaluate operating processes and procedures, supply chain, and employee management to discover improvement opportunities aligned with corporate culture.
Implement program advancements and personnel training. DMS also specializes in aligning office and field organization which can have a major impact on the overall success of operations.
Audit progress in scheduled stages in both the field and office and adjust program based upon results. Deliver efficiency improvements through ongoing reporting to the client.
DMS will create a factory model program to empower and enable your operations to continue the implemented improvements.

Cycle Time Reductions for Completions
Project Highlights

Client wanted to improve cycle time for their frac completions program. Target areas for improvement included their process and procedures along with personnel behaviors in the field.
Changes to procedures enabled additional simultaneous operations opportunities
Change to KPIs and coaching for company and service providers aligned different groups to have common goals and metrics
18% improvements saved an average of 8.5 days total completion time per pad

Logistics Improvements Yield Big Savings
Project Highlights

Logistic coordination and inefficiency were noted as part of DMS benchmark. Working jointly with our client we implemented a logistics management program for drilling and production operations with a goal to increase efficiency and improve operations.
Reduced trucking and sharing resources through improved coordination resulted in nearly $100k savings per week
Process changes lead to 9% decrease in total required trucks which has knock on effect of improving safety
Establishing dedicated logistics support freed up time and resources from other roles to focus on their core function
Optimized timing for service providers reduced standby time and costs to the client over and above the savings from coordinated trucking

NPT Reduction on Drilling Rigs
Project Highlights

Operator was interested in identifying root causes of systemic NPT with their drilling rigs and making a concerted effort to improve operations. DMS was tasked with executing this program across contracted rig fleet.
Worked with client and service providers to improve rig maintenance through RCA and lean six sigma improvement to maintenance tracking and spares inventory.
Coaching and aligning expectations for all parties improved adoption of new practices
Results show a reduction of applicable NPT quarter over quarter

Improving Project Execution and Planning
Project Highlights

DMS experience working internationally and across multiple Product Service Lines (PSLs) was leveraged to improve execution for one of our clients. Tailored project plans and milestone tracking kept all stakeholders engaged and aligned on common outcomes.
Project schedule was falling behind with continued issues in execution
Rigorous focus on PM milestone achievements and coaching in fundamentals enabled the team to improve performance and meet original schedule

Improving Service Provider Performance and Safety
Project Highlights

Inconsistent or outright poor performance by contracted service providers was a problem for one of our clients. Rather than risk similar outcomes with a new vendor, DMS was tasked to execute a comprehensive auditing program to ensure service providers were living up to operator expectations.
Comprehensive Auditing Program Leads to Reduction in Operational Issues/Safety Compliance Hits/Performance Contract Metric Improvements
Change to KPIs and coaching for company and service providers aligned different groups to have common goals and metrics
DMS Auditors have executed more than 1,000 audits and have gone in house to improve operations with key vendors for the operator.
Speak to PSL expertise for all supporting D&C PSLs

Decreasing Transition Time for Completions
Project Highlights

Client approached DMS with a goal of improving completions efficiency by reducing transition times. The DMS Technologies Quick Connect System (QCS) has been able to reduce transition times for pressure control equipment dramatically for clients in the Permian and Bakken regions.
The DMS Technologies Quick Connect System (QCS) has been able to reduce transition times for pressure control equipment dramatically for clients in the Permian and Bakken regions.
With more than 1,500 stages pumped through the system, transition times have been averaging 9 mins and no failures or significant erosion.